Thursday, June 24, 2010

Some Carnival Details...

...please add water wings to the 'What to Bring' Reunion Checklist!
Yes, just to confirm, that all is still well for the upcoming Gomke Reunion at Longfellow Hall, despite the recent flooding conditions.

Also, as the date draws closer, families are likely starting to think about their Carnival Game...(but hopefully not stressing?!). To make it a bit easier, I've compiled an 'inspiration'/idea list that can hopefully help with the planning process...

  • Think birthday party..."Pin the Tail on the Donkey" (or any variation there-of).

  • Do you have a kitty pool? Place bowls in the water to toss something (pennies?)--points for how many end up in a bowl, etc?

  • Duct tape hoola hoops to the top of chairs--make a frisbee course--a 'win' if you get it through all hoops?

  • Are you a golfer? Do you have a little home putting green? A win when you sink the putt in less than ? hits? (or whenever you sink the putt?)

  • Squirt guns and ping pong balls--use the squirt gun to maneuver the ping pong ball through a table-top course? 2 people at at time...first one to the end wins? (have a pail of water handy to refill squirt guns).

  • Bouncy Ball or Baseball toss--use a case of sealers or pails and toss 3 bouncy balls, etc. A 'win' if you get one in (or all 3?)

  • Ring toss, kids horseshoe toss, lawn darts and a ring, etc.


  • Musical Chairs

  • and anything else?....hope this helps give you some ideas...

See photos from a recent School Carnival.

How the Games Work

At the Carnival "Kick-off" (11:00), kids will get a Carnival Passport where they will collect a stamp for each of the 9 games (named after each primary member--the intent is to help generate some awareness of these members to the younger generation):
  • A stamp is earned after a 'win', so it may be possible that the game has to be played a number of times to earn the 'win' (i.e. certain number of points, a competition win, a successful feat, etc.).

  • Design the game to include what the participant must do to 'win' (earn a stamp).

  • Stamps will be provided with a Sign designating your primary family member.

  • All 9 stamps collected entitles the participant to collect their loot bag and enter the draw for a additional prizes.

  • Participants can continue to play games to collect another 9 stamps to enter the draw again.

  • Families are requested to submit their game plan at Friday Registration (so any instructions can be included during the 'Kick-off').

  • Carnival Game set-up is the responsibility of each family group prior to the 11:00 start on Saturday, July 3rd.

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